Extra WIDE Bicycle Seats for Pain Free Comfort & Relief

No longer do you have to torture yourself straddling an unforgiving and uncomfortable saddle on your bicycle.
Saddles are for horses!
RealSeat is a wider-than-your-behind comfort bike seat that will cradle and pamper your bottom on a flexible, dual-cushioned, suspended nylon seat cover – like an outdoor lawn chair.
It’s available in multiple widths (i.e. sizes) that easily installs in minutes to most any and all styles of new or older bicycle; including many exercise bikes, geriatric trikes, and electric ‘e-bikes’ bicycles.
And unlike saddles (which are anatomically-incorrect, wedge-shaped, hard plastic shells covered with a thin layer of foam and a vinyl wrap – and not truly seats at all) our RealSeat will instead evenly disburse the entire width (and body weight) of your rear end – like what a real seat does!